Monday, June 25, 2018

Carl the Minion

Carl is neither the first cyclops nor is he riding the first rocket-powered skateboard to be featured on BPA. But he is the first minion. This figure was a McDonald's Happy Meal toy exclusive to Australia & New Zealand. He came out in 2013 to promote Despicable Me 2.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Happy Dude

This kid was described as "insanely happy" when I found him. Seems about right. He says "10th Greeting Cards, Inc" on the bottom and is from 1976.

Monday, June 11, 2018


Qik is from a Wendy's kids meal that teamed up with something called Leapfrog Leap School in 2012. It's the same graphic on each side so he is neither goofy nor regular. Just a 2D guy trying to skate a 3D world.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Sibell Chips

Sibell is a French company that make a wide variety of chips. Croquez La Différence! An anthropomorphic bag is seen here pushing and holding its hands in a weird position.