Monday, January 27, 2020

Skateboarder Belt Buckle II

A 2nd vintage Skateboarder magazine belt buckle. This one is less eye-catching than the skateboard shaped buckle but I like this one better (it's definitely more comfortable).

Check the belt buckle label for more vintage buckles!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Belt Buckle IX

360° was a 70s skateboarding clothing company. I didn't realize that until seeing their logo on the bottom of one of those large plexi-glass ramps in a vintage photo.

Check out the belt buckle label for more vintage belt buckles!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Belt Buckle VIII

Vintage brass belt buckle. This one is sometimes seen as just a silhouette but looks much better with details.

Check the belt buckle label out for the collection.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Belt Buckle VII

Haven't posted a belt buckle in awhile so get ready for a slew of 'em. I created a new "belt buckle" label to click on it to see the collection.