Monday, October 14, 2024

Belt Buckle XXVII

This Skate Boarding belt buckle seems to be the plainest buckle you can get to express your interest in skateboarding, and I love it. The buckle was made by BTS in the USA in 1978 and I've found 2 versions of it. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Belt Buckle XXVI

The 2nd of 2 silhouette skateboarder vintage belt buckles, this one was made in the USA in 1978 by BTS. It's one of 2 silhouette skaters I've seen - the other I found a non-silhouette version of the same one so hoping to track down a similar one for this guy.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Belt Buckle XXV

The first of 2 silhouette vintage belt buckles to be featured here on BPA. This one has an image that was previously featured in full rather than just silhouette. The buckles is most likely from the '70s although there is no date on the back.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Philadelphia Skateboard Park Belt Buckle

Philadelphia Skateboard Park (PSP) vintage belt buckle circa 1978. No markings on this one but it looks like the park was open in the late '70s and presumably closed shortly thereafter.  


Monday, September 16, 2024

Belt Buckle XXIII

Not much to go on here - not even sure if this one is vintage. The back says NB pewter and thus ends any info I have on it. 


Monday, September 9, 2024

Belt Buckle XXII

This vintage pewter belt buckle was made by Instyle in 1978 and appears to feature a hand-sculpted skater. I thought his nose had been ground down but the other few of these I've seen all look pretty similar.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Belt Buckle XXI

This vintage skate brass belt buckle may very well indeed be intended as a rollerskate but I can't totally rule out skateboarding so I picked it up. It was made in Taiwan in 1979 by Aminco.