Sunday, March 31, 2013

Action Animal II

The Easter Bunny is here on wheels. This rabbit is an Action Animal (his giraffe bud was previously featured on BPA). He has a slightly different cardboard hang-card than the giraffe. This one shows a date of 1979. Unlike the giraffe's hooves, the rabbits feet and hands are much easier to balance on the skateboard.

Edit: Picked up a pink rabbit

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

RC Bart Simpson

RC Bart rides a monster truck of a board. My friend picked this up at a yard sale and it lost its Krusty shaped controller many years ago (he is in a similar predicament to the RC Ripskate previously featured on BPA and was given to me by the same friend). He is dated 2000 which seems a little late for chintzy Simpsons memorabilia (although I guess they never really stopped).  Maybe they're just following Krusty's example. For some reason Bart's torso (but not his head) turns a full 180º but doesn't seem to give any resistance so it is doubtful that this was controlled (I guess it just moved as he turned).

Monday, March 25, 2013


This wooden boy is riding a useless wooden toy. Pinocchio comes with magnetic action, meaning that the small magnet on the left is placed under a thin surface (the instructions suggest a plate, cardboard or table top but he really only works on something like a cereal box). The instructions also give a "50 year guarantee for durability of magnet power." In its defense, it is made in West Germany and the English translation is worded a bit awkwardly. In addition to German and English it also gives some French instructions.  It was made in 1977 by Magneto (I guess he built children's toys while not fighting the X-men). Pinocchio is shown below on the front and back of the box. The front shows him with an odd assortment of characters (a hobo cat, a fox with an injured foot, a woodpecker and a duckling). All and all a pretty sweet crew.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Skateboard Kids

These four figures are from 1989 and are made by Mattel. I haven't been able to find out much more about them. I believe they were from Roy Rogers kids meals and I also believe this is a complete set. The figures can be detached from the boards and are held on by a tab.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shut Up and Skate

Shut Up and Skate is the last in a series of three skate punk 7" compilations put out by Element Records in the early 2000s, although according to the inner labels Element had planned a fourth release. Like the previous volumes, this one collects songs about skating. It features some thrash bands but also features some more straight forward punk bands as well. It also features more cover songs (3 covers of 80s skate punk classics as opposed to the previous 1 per volume).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wild in the Streets

Wild in the Streets is the second in a series of three skate punk 7" compilations put out by Element Records in the early 2000s. The cover features a still from the epic joust scene in Thrashin'. Like Volume 1, Volume 2 primarily features songs about skating but focuses on the emerging thrash revival rather than the aging youth crew sound. This one has better soundbytes too. Below is the limited edition full color cover featuring the Gonz.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Prevent This Tragedy

Prevent This Tragedy is the first in a series of skate punk 7" compilations put out by Element Records in the early 2000s. The inner label states this is volume 1 of 4 but to my knowledge only 3 were made. Most of the songs on the comp are about skating and are on the cheesy side (or maybe I just never got this youth crew thing). The later volumes definitely move from hardcore to thrash, but that is the subject of a later post. Below is the limited edition full color cover with clear griptape over the title. The only song on this comp I found on youtube is below that.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mondo Gecko II

Mondo Gecko returns! This time in comic form complete with origin story (his previous appearance was in action figure form). Mondo is actually the second mutant amphibian comic book character to appear on BPA (the first being Ribit). This cover is pretty awesome, showing not only Mondo but also Mikey getting rad in a metal snakerun leading to a junkyard. Inside we find his backstory - the foot attack the practice space of Merciless Slaughter. The singer/guitarist ends up getting some mutagen spilled on him and his pet gecko. He then gives the Foot a good thrashing with the help of a launch ramp. Everything works out for the best in the form of a pizza party.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thrilla Gorilla

Pogs... I never quite understood what these things were or what you were supposed to do with them. I think I was just a couple years too old when they became popular in the '90s. Anywho, I think the only reason most people remember them is that Milhouse traded Bart's soul for Alf pogs. These Hawaiian Milkcaps brand pogs date from 1995 and feature Thrilla Gorilla. I don't believe that this Thrilla has any relation to the surfing Thrilla Gorilla from T&C Surf Designs. As far as skateboarding cartoon animals go, this set has an impressive show of actual tricks with a healthy dose of both aerials and lip tricks.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What Happens Next?

This 7" EP by What Happens Next? was released in 2000 Lengua Armada Discos and features a dude about to hang up on a frontside slasher. It also came with a pop-up insert of the band busting out of a ramp (you can just make out the classic Jeff Philips Sims graphic above the band). The EP is titled Ahora Mas Que Nunca which translates to Now More Than Ever.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dole Banana

This enamel pin has the Dole banana not only cruising but also peeling himself, which I guess is the opposite of putting on a helmet. I can not find a date for this but it looks like he is riding an early to mid-80s deck.

Edit: According to the graphic on the side of Dole boxes this dude's name is Bobby Banana.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Russell Ferguson

The Littlest Pet Shop is made up of creepy, huge-eyed animals. This guy is a hedgehog and is apparently named Russell Ferguson. He is a character on the show The Littlest Pet Shop and according to Wikipedia he is an organizer with a love of food. This figure is a McDonald's Happy Meal toy from 2012. The wheels on the skateboard do not move but there is a moving wheel on the bottom that bobs Russell's head as he rolls.